Thursday, 22 March 2007
A few things to ponder upon
A recent study in the United Kingdom of Great Britain stated that we need to start doing something, right now, about the global warming problem.
Firstly, I feel to address this, we need to address the concern that not everybody agrees that there is even a global warming problem.
A leading member of the scientific community, when interviewed at his London vineyard, was quoted as saying "there's really nothing changing, things are the same now, as when I was a child. We really should avoid blowing this out of proportion. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go prune my coconut tree"
Ok, let's boils this down to brass tacs.
80% of the scientific community support the theory that global warming is happening, and if that statistic is good enough for cats to choose which food to choose, it's good enough for me.
So the study goes into quite some detail about what we can do to lower drains on energy demands, and thus fossil fuel combustion. One area targeted by the great scientific minds of parliament, is TVs. The number of people who leave their TV on standby, is growing, and this is a continuous drain on the countries energy supplies.
Now it's not like turning your TV off will solve the problem, but let's be honest. Who needs their TV to be at that level of readiness? Our countries defenses are stated at being ready within roughly 14 minutes, with a full fleet mobilized within 60 minutes.
But our TV's, we must have them ready to go at moments notice?
Germany jumped on the bandwagon reporting a decision to consider imposing a speed limit on the Autobahn. German's are needless to say, upset. But let's be honest, speed limits are in reality designed to tease people in the UK.
Anyone who's seen someone driving a Fiat Punto, Metro or Vauxhall Corsa; will know that speeding is rarely an option. 70 mph.....go on, try it! HaHaHa...never take that to Germany, you'll get chewed up.
And finally, a contact center recently acquired by a popular publisher based in the US, was rumored to have been forced to make changes to their automated payment line. It can now be heard -
Thank you for settling your account
Next time, for your convenience, why not pay by direct debit
or online at our website
or by phone, or through your interactive TV
or SMS text message
Why not pay it in your car?
Why not pay in from a bar?
You can pay it from a train
You can pay in in the rain
You can pay it in the park
You can pay it in the dark
I do not like green eggs and ham
I do not like them Sam I am
Thank you for calling
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
♫ I smell pretty, oh so pretty ♫
I travelled to Toronto on Sunday, when progressing through security, I hear those words that no one ever wants to hear...
For those of you who aren't regular travelers, this basically means that the guy who 'mans' the x-ray machine, has seen something unusual in a bag, and needs it checking. This is likely reserved for the likes of firearms, explosives, small animals, weapons of mass-destruction; that kind of thing.
Oh, yeah, a toothpaste and deodorant
So, now labeled as a potential terrorist as I attempted to smuggle the dangerous substances through the elite security of DFW's finest TSA agents, I progress to my gate a little lighter, but thankful I can still walk (if you know what I mean )
So, I figure I need to get some replacement items right, and the hotel is able to provide delightful alternatives. But, not wanting to smell like a rats arse, I think to myself "you know, I should probably go shopping".
So after work, I pop along to The Bay (Debenhams/Macys etc.). I'm on my way to the 'smellies' and I see some lovely Levi's. "Oooh" I say to myself. "You can never have too many pairs of jeans, right?".
So I grab a pair, and try them on. It is then that I realize that I'm wearing jeans some 2 inches smaller than the last pair I bought about 2 months ago. Yay me! So I'm really in a good mood (as you'd expect when you unexpectantly drop 2"). So I figure I'll treat myself in The Body Shop.
Those who know me well, will know that I have a 'thing' for stuff that smells nice. I don't particularly care what it is, if I like it, I like it.
So I take a look around, and they have some bath stuff. Now, some of you will know that I fudged my back up a couple of weeks ago, leaving me with a lot of pain in my arm, and not a lot of feeling in my hand. So I'm thinking that a bath might be freakin' awesome right about now.
In addition, they have this Almond shower gel., it smells yummy. I mean, I may just eat the stuff.
Anyway, so I get both. Having now spent an obscene amount of money on new jeans and 'smellies', I return to my hotel, where I have a chat with young Anth, offering congratulations on his new job (visit him if you haven't already). I take a shower and head out for dinner.
As I'm sitting there for dinner (Ruth's Chris Steakhouse), the waiter comes over, and is having a chat with me. I'm being all relaxed, 'cos frankly, I'm wearing my new jeans, and I'm pretty happy with myself. So the guy's like "You smell.....pretty".
Oh my.....what can you say? I thank him, give him a little cheeky wink, and order my dinner.
I showered with the same stuff this morning. I smell like almond, I DO smell pretty; and you know what? I'm ok with that
I hope you feel pretty readers.